Často váží přes 100 liber a není žádným překvapením, že jméno Cane Corso v latině znamená „bodyguard pes“. Cane Corso má ušlechtilé pozadí, které sahá až do starověkého Říma, kde působili jako nebojácní ochránci.
Jejich velká, svalnatá těla, hlasitý štěkot a všímavá povaha stačí k odstrašení většiny vetřelců. Ve spojení s intenzivní loajalitou ke svým lidem je Cane Corso pes, kterého nechcete provokovat! Pokud jste šťastnými rodiči jednoho z těchto zuřivě oddaných psů, možná se ptáte, kolik Cane Corso váží a kdy přestanou růst?
Zde je vše, co potřebujete vědět o váze Cane Corso:
Cane Corso je velké pracovní plemeno psa, jehož velikost a asertivitu může být obtížné zvládnout, pokud nejsou dostatečně vycvičeni a socializováni od mladého věku a během dospívání. Stejně jako u každého velkého hlídacího psa bude raný výcvik štěněte zásadní pro zvládnutí jeho plné síly a velikosti v dospělosti.
Následující čísla jsou odhady které můžete použít k získání hrubé představy o tom, kolik bude vaše štěně Cane Corse vážit za šest měsíců, jeden rok atd. Pokud je vaše štěně výrazně těžší nebo lehčí než průměrná váha Cane Corso, poraďte se se svým veterinářem, abyste zajistili, že roste zdravým tempem. Jinak se nestresujte, pokud klesnou mírně nad nebo pod křivku! Všechna štěňata rostou různým tempem.
Tip pro profesionály: Chcete, aby vám bylo proplaceno až 90 % veterinárních účtů vašeho psa, kdykoli je nemocný nebo zraněný? Porovnejte možnosti zdravotního pojištění Cane Corso ještě dnes.
Věk | Hmotnost |
1 měsíc | 20–28 liber |
2 měsíce | 30–36 liber |
3 měsíce | 35–40 liber |
4 months | 42 - 46 lbs |
5 months | 48 - 55 lbs |
6 months | 60 - 65 lbs |
7 months | 65 - 70 lbs |
8 months | 70 - 80 lbs |
9 months | 80 - 90 lbs |
10 months | 85 - 95 lbs |
11 months | 90 - 100 lbs |
1 year | 90 - 105 lbs |
2 years | 99 - 110 lbs |
Age | Weight |
1 month | 16 - 25 lbs |
2 months | 26 - 32 lbs |
3 months | 30 - 37 lbs |
4 months | 36 - 43 lbs |
5 months | 42 - 50 lbs |
6 months | 55 - 60 lbs |
7 months | 60 - 65 lbs |
8 months | 65 - 72 lbs |
9 months | 68 - 75 lbs |
10 months | 75 - 82 lbs |
11 months | 80 - 90 lbs |
1 year | 85 - 95 lbs |
2 years | 88 - 99 lbs |
Age | Height |
2 months | 12 - 15 inches |
3 months | 14 - 17 inches |
4 months | 16 - 20 inches |
6 months | 21 - 24 inches |
1 year | 22 - 26 inches |
2 years | 23.5 - 27.5 inches |
*The above height numbers are measured from the floor to a standing Cane Corso’s highest point at their shoulders.
Most Cane Corso dogs will reach their full mature height around one year of age , but some may need up to two years to fill out their chest completely and reach their adult weight. Compared to smaller dog breeds, these large, working animals need more time to reach their maximum size.
As for height, Cane Corsos can grow up to an impressive 27.5 inches tall. They usually reach their adult height between one and two years of age.
(Image Source:Unsplash)
All puppies grow at different rates, but most Cane Corsos will be between 21 and 24 inches tall at six months old. Male puppies will weigh around 60 to 65 pounds, while six-month-old female Cane Corsos will weigh slightly less at 55 to 60 pounds.
Tip pro profesionály: Download this new puppy checklist for a complete list of things to have on hand for your puppy, information on how to set up a vaccination schedule, and more!
There are several ways to estimate how much bigger your puppy will get.
The first way is based on your Cane Corso puppy’s age . Most Cane Corsos are fully grown at two years of age, if not slightly earlier. If your Cane Corso is less than a year old, they still have substantial growth left. If they’re between one and two years of age, they are likely still growing, but any additional development will be minimal.
Another option is to contact the Cane Corso breeder , if that's how you got your pup. They'll be able to give you a more precise estimate of the dog's maximum size because a puppy will rarely grow to be larger than its parent.
Lastly, you can take a look at your puppy’s paws . Do their paws look unproportionate compared to their legs and body? This is a classic puppy feature showing that your guy or gal still has some growing to do.
Cane Corsos are true giants of the dog world. According to the American Kennel Club Official Cane Corso standards, male Cane Corsos are typically 25 to 27.5 inches tall and weigh between 99 and 110, while females stand 23.5 to 26 inches tall weighing 85 to 99 pounds .
Avg. Male Cane Castro | Avg. Female Cane Castro |
99 - 110 lbs | 85 - 99 lbs |
25 - 27.5 in | 23.6 - 26 in |
Please keep in mind that these numbers are estimates, and some adult Cane Corsos may be smaller or larger due to genetic or environmental factors.
(Image Source:Unsplash)
Preventive care is always better than treatment. Preventive care, like early screenings, regular veterinary exams, and recommended diet and exercise can help your Cane Corso to avoid or minimize many health issues.
Like other purebred animals, Cane Corsos are more prone to some genetic health problems. In particular, the breed is more susceptible to canine hip dysplasia, which can lead to degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis. Per the Cane Corso Association of America, proper nutrition, weight maintenance, and appropriate exercises can help to prevent or minimize hip dysplasia in the breed. Your veterinarian is your best resource in choosing the ideal diet and exercise for your dog to avoid unwanted weight gain and health problems.
Cane Corsos are also prone to seizure disorders, particularly idiopathic epilepsy, a disorder where the cause of the seizure is unknown. Idiopathic epilepsy is diagnosed by a veterinarian and can be treated with medication.
Regular veterinary care can help to prevent and treat many health problems from dental disease to cancer. However, treatments and surgery can easily cost thousands of dollars, putting many pet parents in a pinch. When surveyed, only 19.44% of pet parents said they would be able to cover a $5,000 veterinarian bill, which is why pet insurance is so important.
Pet insurance works by reimbursing you for up to 90% of out-of-pocket veterinary costs, which gives you a safety net should the worst happen to your pet. Like people, dogs are living longer, which creates an even greater need for regular veterinary care to provide your pup with the best health care and quality of life.
Pet insurance gives you peace of mind and your dog the chance to live their healthiest and happiest life. If your Cane Corso has an illness, accident, or injury, you and your veterinarian can focus on providing your pup with gold standard care, not worrying about the cost. Not only does pet insurance act as a safety net, but wellness plans are also available to make regular veterinary expenses, such as annual veterinarian exams, x-rays, and dental cleanings, more affordable.
We never know when the worst could happen to our beloved dog. Act now and set up a safety net for your pup’s long term health and wellbeing today.
Let us do the work of comparing pet insurance plans for you so that you can rest easy knowing that you have a safety net in place. Compare dog insurance plans today from the best Cane Corso pet insurance providers using Pawlicy Advisor so that you can have peace of mind knowing that your dog is covered!
Pawlicy Advisor’s personalized recommendations can help you save up to 83% on insurance costs over your dog’s lifespan.
Navzdory svému luxusnímu vzhledu je pudl vynikajícím sportovcem s nadprůměrnou inteligencí, který se řadí do desítky nejoblíbenějších psích plemen American Kennel Club. Pudlové byli původně vyšlechtěni v Německu jako psi vodních retrívrů. Jejich slavný okázalý kabát měl praktický účel v ochraně živo
Mopsové jsou známí svou klaunskou, škodolibou povahou, díky čemuž jsou skvělými společníky pro děti i dospělé. Jejich malá velikost z nich dělá vynikající psy pro bydlení v bytě. Navzdory své praštěné povaze byli mopsíci původně vyšlechtěni jako společníci čínských císařů a stali se maskoty holandsk